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Kent Kelso

MY REAL JOB: My job is to help people achieve their long and short range financial goals while carefully considering their payment and equity objectives while maximizing their tax advantages. Working with approximately 6,000 customers successfully over the past 34 years helped me achieve the honor as a Top 50 FHA/VA/USDA Loan Officer in the nation.

MY REAL LIFE: My life is busy but it's pretty easy to sum up: family, faith, and friends. Those three things drive every decision I make. I consider my customers to be part of that extended family, as well. I love seeing updates on how their lives are changing and knowing that I was part of it all.

MY REAL STORY: As a Veteran, I love taking care of other Veterans. I recently received a call from a great Realtor in town who asked if I could help her Veteran customer. He applied for a VA loan with his current lender after selling his house and putting another one under contract because they told him it was "easy" (not really). "After all, they had all his information" (again, not really, it was four years old) and promised him they had a “great” relationship with VA and could close his loan in less than 30 days. Well, 42 days later they called the day before closing and said they could not close and would need to extend the contract because it would take them another 17 days to close! He applied with me that day and I closed him seven days later with less closing costs and .375% lower interest rate. He was elated and so was I.

Put my 34+ years of experience to work for you!

Springfield, MO

M: 417-880-4619


NMLS# 712714

Licensed In: MO, FL, AR, ND

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